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The Hometown of Your Dreams

Jeff Yost

Jeff Yost talks to John McKnight and Peter Block about the Nebraska Community Foundation: a way to educate, train and initiate conversation between community members. He discusses how philanthropy can create jobs and help sustain community for generations to come, rather than only for the current generation.

For ten years following the 2010 publication of their book The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods, John and Peter hosted conversations with neighborhood activists on their community-building work.  All their ideas are still at work and continue to be influential for anyone engaged in creating the future in the present. The transcript here has been edited for length and clarity.


The Hometown of Your Dreams:

Conversation with Jeff Yost


January 14, 2015


John McKnight: Welcome everybody. We are going to have a real treat today because I want to share with you a discovery I made and some of you may have made it too. A couple of years ago, I found out that in one of our states, and in over 250 small towns, mostly in smaller cities, there had developed organizations of people whose insight was that there was a lot of wealth and that wealth could be identified and invested in ways that would shape the future and define the communities possibilities. It is a movement that has spread so far that I could hardly believe it.


So, today we are joined by Jeff Yost who is one of the people at the center of getting this initiative started. So, Jeff, welcome and I wonder if you could let us know a little bit of what the antecedent was to your focusing on local wealth. I know there was a study that got you started. Could you tell us about it?


Jeff Yost: Absolutely. First of all, John and Peter, thank you for having me and thank you for inviting the Nebraska Community Foundation to be part of this conversation. We are certainly honored to be here alongside Asset-Based Community Development and all the terrific work that is explored within your book The Abundant Community –– these have been the undergirding principles of our work for the last 20 years or so. It is just an honor to be here. Thanks.


The Nebraska Community Foundation got started 20 years ago and we are just celebrating our 20th anniversary with the whole idea that in so many ways communities had changed and really didn’t have the same type of discretion that they had previously. Certainly, within the context of Nebraska we needed to find different ways to have a more positive narrative about the future. We wanted to have a more positive conversation between parents and their kids over the kitchen table and between adults and youth in communities, and also to try and attract that next generation in wanting to be a part of all of this work.


So, much of the underpinning for this work started with the tremendous outmigration that we have seen over the decades and through many rural places over Nebraska and throughout the northern Great Plains. How do you help in creating even greater pride in place? How do you help people to craft a narrative where they are talking in positive and opportunistic terms about the future of their place? This has been a work in progress over time, but one of pieces we started with is that in many places around the country, community foundations have gotten started and we are certainly interested in the whole idea of how to use local charitable giving as one more tool within that community development puzzle. I think we have found that it is even more powerful than we thought it might be.


To start, I want to talk about how we define the Nebraska Community Foundation. We always talk about the Nebraska Community Foundation as being a community development institution that uses philanthropy as a tool. We are not a charity. We are not in the business of doing things for people. We are in the business of figuring out how we can be a value-added partner to community leaders to help them build the community of their dreams.


A few years into this work there was study done at Boston College called “Millionaires and the Millennium” in which Paul Schervish and John Havens explored the whole inter-generational transfer of wealth and the magnitude of that. If you are in a place like Nebraska, a lot of the next generation had in fact migrated to someplace else. Not only was the population of many of these places shrinking, but also the demographics of these places was aging because the people that were leaving were, of course, younger people and people early in their careers. So, it is not a very long walk to figure out if there is this massive transfer of wealth that is happening between generations and if the next generation doesn’t, in fact, inhabit that same place, then not only are you losing all that human resource capacity, if the next generation doesn’t return to that community and live and work there, you also are going to potentially to lose much of the extraordinary financial wealth that has been built up, especially since World War II.


So, over the years we have done few of these transfers of wealth studies. We always knew the transfer of wealth was huge. I am an economist by training, and I honestly didn’t have any clue that it was going to be of this magnitude. Nebraska is about 1.8 million people. It is a very large geography. There are actually 532 communities within the state . It is about 500 miles from end to end if you go from northwest to southeast. For those 1.8 million people in that reasonably large geographical area, our estimate, and we think it is reasonably conservative, is that some 600 billion dollars will transfer from one generation to the next in the next 50 years. Those are staggering sums.


A longtime colleague of mine, a gentleman who is the co-director of the Center for Rural Entrepreneurship, is Don Mackey. Don and I are the primary authors of the original study. Don has gone on to do this type of analysis in many, many other places around the country. In the context of Nebraska, we have used it not only in understanding the large macro-economic opportunity, but for the 93 counties in Nebraska, we actually figured out a methodology for creating an estimate for each and every one of those counties. We even break it down proportionately to help community leaders to begin to think of endowment building within the context of that transfer of wealth.


So, let’s say there is a particular county where the transfer of wealth over the next 50 years is estimated to be one billion dollars. Part of what we will talk with community leaders about –– and help them go through a vision and action planning process and ultimately a goal setting exercise associated with endowment building for their place –– is, what if just 5% of that transfer of wealth were given back to the place where it was made and accumulated? So, 5% of one billion dollars is 50 million dollars. If that is endowed, and you assume that you are going to get a 4 or 4½% rate of return or a payout from that particular endowment, 50 times .045 is over two million dollars annually that would be a perpetual income stream to benefit that place.


We all know the money is important, but at the end of the day communities are made up by people and people being in relationship with one another. People really trusting one another and having an opportunistic vision of what they can build together. So, if you can connect those sorts of relationships with that vision and with that capital and especially if that capital is unrestricted in nature, there is a lot you can get done.


Suppose you think about that philanthropy within the context of how does that philanthropy really serve as a margin of excellence for the future of our place, and assume that much of what we already do we will continue doing –– that is, to help people in need and to provide government services and these sorts of things. If you think about it that way, that endowment being put into place for the future of that particular geography, and then that endowment payout being used to do something above and beyond what we are already doing, it becomes a pretty exciting thing to be a part of. What could we use that on? How could we use that for youth engagement, business development, entrepreneurship, leadership development, and intergenerational conversations?


All these sorts of things we know help to build the social fabric in our place and we are using philanthropy to try to build a whole series of economic opportunities as well. As John mentioned, we are now networking in about 250 communities around the state. The network looks different in every one of those places. It has been a really fun journey so far.


John: Take us to one community and give us a little snapshot of what you might have done to trigger the local folks who became engaged in identifying and collecting this wealth. How do you start that?


Jeff: The first part I start with is that communities can only be built and sustained by the people who live, work, and sleep there. So, this is a very decentralized system. We are interested in being somebody’s value-added partner. So, one of the premises here is that this has to be community driven and everything has to be on a willing partner platform. So, to start with, we are interested in working with people who are interested in working with us.


The first thing that would happen is somebody wanted to create an affiliated fund within the context of the Nebraska Community Foundation. Let’s take my little hometown of Red Cloud. Those of you that are fans of American literature know that it is the home of Willa Cather. So, you have an extraordinary cultural asset in Red Cloud, Nebraska, and Red Cloud has about 1,000 people. It’s about 60 miles off the Interstate. So, it’s a rural agrarian place and a fair way away from the traditional economic corridor that goes across the state.


Red Cloudvstarted an affiliated fund and those community leaders decided that they wanted that affiliated fund to just concentrate on Red Cloud and the trade area associated with it. So, in other places community leaders may decide they want a community-based affiliated fund to cover a county or a community-based affiliated fund that is going to cover all of the communities within their school district. Within our system, all of those are locally governed issues and things that can always morph and evolve over time.


In the case of Red Cloud they started their affiliated fund. They raised some money for various projects over time. At one point, a resident who had grown up there, and was also serving as a member of the Nebraska Community Foundation statewide board of directors, made a challenge grant to help those community leaders to begin to build an unrestricted endowment for the future for that community. It was a $100,000 challenge grant that the community needed to match one to one. So, that got started.


About six years ago we helped them go through a really intensive process of vision, mission, and values identification and to begin to think through what are the strategic opportunities within this particular community. Of course, in this case you have the incredible cultural asset. So, how would you use heritage tourism as one of the primary drivers for that? This action-driving process ultimately led the advisory committee and community leaders to determine they really wanted to concentrate on heritage tourism as an economic development strategy, with early childhood education and childcare as their two primary pieces. Those community leaders have made tremendous progress. There are donors that have stepped up in reasonably significant ways to help some of this come true from a programming standpoint and a facilities standpoint.


All the while what we are always interested in is how to engage more and more people within your community. Not only in being engaged in that conversation, but ultimately investing their time, talent, and treasure within the context of that fund in that community to help continue the building of all that future.


That’s a quick story and we’ve got dozens of those. It’s really fun to see all the amazing work that is happening.


Peter Block: Your discoveries of the existence of this wealth are quite amazing. How is it different from most every city that has a community foundation? What would you say is unique about your thinking or your approach to what you are doing?


Jeff: I think it is always important to talk about all of this stuff. None of this is ever a good or bad. It is what we have discerned as making the most sense here, in our place and our circumstance with our people.


Peter: What is the essence of that?


Jeff: Community foundations are incredible community development tools. I’ve got wonderful colleagues all over the country that are helping to run and build community foundations and they all look different. Within the context of Nebraska, I would say there are three things that are very different about the Nebraska Community Foundation.


First, the Nebraska Community Foundation in itself is not a grantmaker. All our grantmaking actually happens in the context of affiliated funds. That is very intentional because, ultimately, we want communities’ leaders to be very honest with us about what the opportunities are, what the needs are, and what all the things we need to work on are as we partner with these communities to help themselves. So, the Nebraska Community Foundation is not a grant maker. We are primarily an educator, a trainer, a facilitator, and in some respect a connecting tissue.


John: You also manage the money, don’t you?


Jeff: We do. When you talk about the Nebraska Community Foundation, there is just one corporation, and there are about 225 affiliated funds within that one corporation. There are probably 850 or 900 sub-funds within those 225 affiliated funds. There is a very substantial financial and investment management infrastructure. So, part of the management is understanding that for a community leader, especially within the context of a small town or neighborhood, how we have all been to those organizing meetings where we want to get something done. The critical question is, who wants to be treasurer? We are trying to help to take some of that burden off local leaders so they can really focus on mission fulfillment and not just all of the administrative machinations associated with having a non-profit organization.


John: So, you basically are the investment manager. Then on an annual basis the local group gets its proportionate share of whatever the growth is.


Jeff: Yes, sort of like that. It’s all segregated by fund and by donor intent. Then it’s helping those community leaders to really pursue not only having resources, but also connecting those resources with a vision and engaging members of their community. What do they want to do next for the future of that place?


Peter: There are some large cities in Nebraska or concentrated populations. Have you seen where an affiliated fund would be actually organized around a neighborhood?


Jeff: We have had a few neighborhood associations with affiliated funds over time, but historically most our work is within regional trade centers and small communities around the state, plus we do a fair number of efforts that are either regional or state-wide. So, there is a Lincoln Community Foundation. There is an Omaha Community Foundation. Great people doing great work. They are certainly not organized in the same way as the Nebraska Community Foundation is, but there are lots of opportunities to work together and to support one another in our work.


If I might, I want to circle back around to that prior question for just a moment in terms of what’s the other thing that differentiates the Nebraska Community Foundation. John, this is something that you have witnessed a couple of years in a row. We are really invested in peer learning. In helping adults to have experiential learning, but also having those community leaders really be in conversation with one another. I am absolutely of the opinion that people hear something differently from a peer than they do from someone who is professionalized about their approach to it or being paid for doing that work.


A tremendous amount of our training and education is actually done within the context of peer learning and peer mentoring. From one affiliated leader from one community helping affiliated leaders from a community down the road to understand their story, but also to help them work on what is next in their community. In Nebraska there is this game called “Six Degrees of Separation of Kevin Bacon.” Have you heard of that before?


John/Peter: Yes.


Jeff: In the context of Nebraska, we are only separated by two degrees. If you don’t know somebody, you know somebody that knows somebody.


A big part of our work is being connected and being in relationship with lots and lots of different people. The interesting thing about using philanthropy as a community development tool is that you can’t make anybody do anything. All we can do is motivate and inspire people, but who ultimately is in the best position to do that are the people who are already in relationship with one another.


So, that is much of what we are trying to do: to help community leaders to become comfortable and confident to be able to talk to their friends, neighbors, and people that they have deep trusting relationships with about what a difference that the person they are talking with could make in the future of their place. That conversation obviously ranges all over the place. Sometimes, it is about making a charitable gift. Sometimes, it’s about becoming a leader of that fund. Sometimes, it’s about volunteering their time and talent to help to get something done. John, you have been so articulate over the years about how important invitation is as part of community building. We really try to help community leaders to understand just how important and profound that invitation is within the community building process.


John: Give us an example of how the fund is manifested by the activity of how many people ––4, 5, 6, 20, 50? And how are those people identified and coalesced?


Jeff: You are absolutely right in that we have affiliated funds that have leadership groups. We call them advisory committees. Those funded advisory committees might range between five community leaders and maybe twenty. In some funds they will have a really active and robust sub-committee structure. So, the membership of those sub-committees might then total up to maybe forty or fifty people, just depending on the context of the place. Then you might have other things happening where literally hundreds of people are part of helping to build and manifest that. Those groups are in fact self-perpetuating groups.


Some might say that’s not the way to do it. What I would say to any of that is that within the context of Nebraska, we found that is the structure that works best for community building here. People who are already in relationship with one another and looking around the table and then asking who else they need to connect with or what other opportunities are there. So, in some communities they have entirely local leadership. In some community-based affiliated funds there are alumni and expatriates that participate as a part of that.


We are interested in educating, training, and sharing effective practices, but ultimately we are not interested in telling people that they have to do it one way or another. A longtime colleague has a little quip: Community building isn’t like rocket science, we actually know how to put a man on the moon. We are constantly learning and evolving what we are doing here. One of the things we know is that communities that are doing really well in this work are communities that are figuring out how they are engaging dozens and hundreds of their neighbors in conversations about the future of their place and inviting them to be a part of that.


So, again, it’s much of what you have written about and theorized about and practiced over the years in terms of how important that active invitation is.


John: You also have observed the difference between the kind of present-day function of an elected body like the city council, the village board, and the affiliated fund. Could you say a few words about that distinction?

How you could think about local place and needing people collectively to get things done. The city council is often thought of as a group to get things done, but the affiliated fund is a different group of people getting things done. What’s the difference?


Jeff: I think the difference is a couple of things. One is the fact that in using philanthropy as one of the primary community development tools you can’t make anybody do anything. So, that in and of itself fundamentally differentiates government because we are not assessing taxes or fees from anyone. It’s all willing partners and people willing to be engaged. The second one is, and this is a generalization, but I think to a large extent that governments primarily focus on now and the very near term. I would hope that our affiliated funds, especially those that are building endowments for the future of the place, are really more focused on the future. Or more focused on what sort of place do we want to have 10 and 20 years from now as opposed to 3 to 5 years from now.


Again, that is a generalization because government does do work that has generational impact, through infrastructure, technology, and other things. Still, I think that one of he key differentiating factors is that government is primarily focused on now and the short-term.


The Nebraska Community Foundation is an organization that isn’t really focused on relief. We are an institution that is focused on development. So, sometimes you will have a tragic circumstance happen in a place and the people in that place need relief. We have got lots of incredible partners out there that are really good at that work. So, we’ve decided that is not our work. Our work is to help people focus on the future and what things help to build and ultimately magnetize this community so that people say, That’s where I want to live and work. That’s where I want to raise my family. That’s where I want to have my business.


So, the Nebraska Community Foundation and its affiliated funds is not all things to all people. I think we have done a nice job of helping lots of community leaders focus on the future in ways that they hadn’t previously.


John:  You also in some of these places find that the local people engage a significant number of the local citizens in discussions that would result in their joint dialogue and thinking together about the future rather than four or five or ten people that are on the affiliated fund itself.


Jeff: Absolutely. A big part of what we are trying to do is to help people to not only envision but also to plan for the future, and a big part of that entire process is figuring out how we can have a community-wide conversation about that future and what all of us collectively desire. In many cases we will have a community wide envisioning session. Or we might have several of those. In the community of Norfolk, we helped to facilitate six of those for constituencies like middle school students, high school students, the Chamber of Commerce, non-profit executives, elders, and people that were already investors in that affiliated fund. A variety of different constituencies.


We help start the conversation and then figure out how to connect some of those conversations because many times –– and we’ve all seen this many times –– people accidentally end up talking past one another as opposed to talking with one another. Sometimes within these sessions we are just helping people to make those connections to make more competent assumptions than they had previously.


Peter: I have one question. There is a lot of conversation about poverty and wealth inequality. I am sure that Nebraska is hit by that. How do you think about that? Have you seen affiliated groups, for example, actually capitalize or start small businesses? I know that there are a lot regional efforts, like you mentioned about your town becoming a heritage tour destination to get more tourists that way. Talk about that.


Jeff: There are a couple of pieces. Let’s start with the individual piece, in particular. One of the things we have always tried to look at, within the context of Nebraska and especially the outmigration of young people, is what things can you do to create greater economic opportunity as well as greater opportunism and optimism about the future? A part of that might be helping to build a collective economic development infrastructure. We have helped to do that in some of the communities and counties that we have worked in. For example, amalgamate federal, state, local, and government dollars along with philanthropy dollars to have economic development professionals. Then how do those economic development professionals really focus on the things we can do to not only increase economic opportunity in this place, but also to change the conversation with young people about where they want to live and work as adults.


Much of our work is around supporting both an entrepreneurship curriculum as well as entrepreneurs. Connecting that with leadership development and skills associated with group dynamics. Having that conversation in as many ways possible with young people about where they want to be and what they want to be a part of. Then ultimately the philanthropy ends up being the glue that helps hold all that together over time in comparison to grantmaking. We have all been through the process where you apply for a state or federal grant, you start doing some of that work, but the grant period is three years. Well, what happens in the fourth? Many times, those people end up spending their time just trying to sustain the small institution they started as opposed to really getting to concentrate on their mission.


The other one that I will list is what we refer to as non-traditional scholarships. In some of our community-based affiliated funds they have identified one of the most effective ways of helping people that are currently working part-time service sector jobs is to help them return to school and maybe get an associate degree or an additional certificate or whatever the case may be. So, these scholarships are for things like helping an LPN return to school and become a registered nurse. Helping a high school educated mechanic to become a certified diesel mechanic. Helping a paraprofessional within the school system become a certified teacher. All this transforms part-time service sector working people into people who are clearly members of the middle-class.


We have seen a lot of terrific work happen with that approach and I think it has also changed the conversation around scholarships in general. If you are going to invest these community resources, then how do you invest them so the community and the individual both benefit?


John: Because a lot of scholarships invested in getting people to go to the university are really an investment in their leaving town.


Jeff: Yes, and we are certainly not in the business of saying we shouldn’t be sending people off to college. We know that in this economy we need everybody to have more than a high school degree. That doesn’t mean you have to cut off your nose to spite your face. Certainly, we can set up scholarships and we have done dozens of these, whereby preference is given to students who say they are interested in returning to that community or their region after they complete school.


Most important, it is not about holding somebody to some rules around this; it is the opportunity to have a conversation about what they want and how what they want, in fact, coincides with what is best for the community and that it isn’t different from that. How do you begin and sustain that conversation with people: that you are a member of our community and we want you to continue to be a member of our community?


Peter: Some people are writing in the chat. I don’t know if you can see it.


Jeff, are you able to see the chat happening?


Jeff: Yes, I’m looking through them now.


Maggie Rogers: Okay, great. It sounds like you have already answered one of the questions or even a couple of the questions. We also have a caller.


Debbie (caller): I’m from Austin, Texas, and a lot of people in Austin have been talking about the Nebraska effort, which prompted me to dial in. I thank Jeff for giving us more context, information, and background about your study and what it has meant to you because here we have a new head to our community foundation who is trying some new and innovative things. So, potentially we will be following in your footsteps.


Peter: Thanks, Debbie. Anyone else in line, Maggie?


Michelle Strutzenberger (caller): I am calling in from Peterborough, Ontario. Thanks, Peter and John, for hosting this conversation with Jeff. I‘ve seen that the Democracy Collaborative in Ohio recently released a report on Innovative Community Foundations. They shared the stories of 29 United States and 1 Canadian foundation. One element they mentioned is a growing exploration of something called impact investing by these foundations. So, you mentioned that the Nebraska Community Foundation in itself is not a grantmaker, but its 225 affiliated funds are. What possibilities do you see for these funds engaging in this sort of impact investing or social finance type work?


Jeff: By impact investing are you connecting it to things like mission related investment and program related investments?


Michelle: There is an expectation of both a financial and a social return. So, there is that sort of blended idea.


Jeff: Well, certainly the point of having any of these resources is to be able to help people create community impact in their place. I am a big believer that when you have seen one community then you have seen one community. Making generalizations around what is a good investment and what is not can be a really dicey proposition. That’s part of why we try to focus on how you connect the grantmaking with the process of engaging lots and lots of people in building that collective vision through a planning process. Creating priorities because we know we are not going to have enough resources or enough leadership or enough time to be able to do all these things at once.


Part of what I think you are working on within that process of engaging people and continuing to funnel down toward moving from lots and lots of things being important to a few things being priorities is the opportunity to see something change. The connecting piece to that –– and I am hopeful that many of you are familiar with it –– is the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy. Over time I have become a big believer that a community has a self-fulfilling prophecy just like an individual does. All these process things that we are discussing today are about how you help that community to identify where they are at as it relates to their self-concept and their self-fulfilling prophecy. How do you help them to continue to discern how to make that better and how to make that more optimistic? Grantmaking can certainly be a key tool within the context of that.


The final thing I will say on this question is that sometimes within the concept of when we have an intersection between community and philanthropy, we end up putting too much emphasis on philanthropy and not enough emphasis on community. I’ve become very comfortable saying over time that money is an important tool, but it is only one of many tools required to do good community building.


At the end of the day, and the transfer of wealth studies were all intended to help make this point, the limiting resource here isn’t money. We are an extraordinarily wealthy country. We’re an extraordinarily wealthy society. We can pretty much choose to do what we choose to do. So, the question is, how do you choose to focus on community building, creating opportunities, and creating more just outcomes for more people? To me this is more a function of leadership and more a function of vision and more a function of engagement than it is a function of capital. They are all important, but within the context of community building I’m convinced that money is not the limiting resource to getting things done. It’s going to be lots of other pieces. The vision and the leadership and the engagement are in place. I’ve now got years and years of evidence that we can figure out how to access the money to help get that done.


Peter: I think the question is whether you feel that a lot of people like venture capitalists and people like that were turning things upside down in alignment with what you are talking about. Saying we are going to invest, but the question of return is secondary or third. Where we want to invest is in new ventures that have a social justice component or social impact. The impact investment in something called SoCal. It’s just not the community foundations’ philanthropy, it’s also local people with all the same goals that you have of keeping it here and building a place and changing the criteria of what constitutes a good investment. Your thinking about that is in aligned with that very much.


Jeff: There are a couple of notes here on the questions that people have asked that I think might be interesting to connect to. Is that okay?


Peter: Sure, we’ve got about five minutes.


Jeff: There is  one saying that a good related resource for trust oriented grassroots relational organizing is The Network Weaver Handbook. I think that is absolutely correct. A woman named June Holley from Athens, Ohio, created Network Weaving, and I find it to be extraordinarily useful work. She has been working on this for a couple of decades and doing a terrific job. I’m actually having a series of conversations with John, Tom Mosgaller, and others around how to connect network weaving and asset mapping within the context of a particular place, helping them not only to fully articulate their vision and move that from plan to opportunity, but also how to use this to be an even greater connection with all of these people that care and are willing to step up and lead and support. So, that’s  another piece of building up this ecosystem.


John: Any other questions in the chat that you want to respond to?


Jeff: I like the last one and I would be interested in the two of you talking about this a little bit: Local people are being witnessed by you as they assumed dominion over their inner and external resources. It’s a huge discovery of personal power.


That’s a really important statement within the context of this work over time. It’s never about the money and it’s always about the people. Helping people to have confidence and knowing that their work is important and honorable and that they are difference makers.


Peter: I think that part of the work that you are doing, Jeff, is helping people come to terms with wealth. You could call it the right use of wealth in this consumerist society, surplus society, and accumulation society. Most of us are out of relationship with one another, whether you are poor or whether you are rich. I think that you are trying to bring us into a right relationship with wealth and recognizing it as useful, but that it is not the point. Most people say that, especially at the end of their lives, but I think that you really embody that with the work that you are doing and thinking. What you bring is quite amazing.


Jeff: That is really gracious of you to say that and thank you very much. All that credit goes to all of these amazing people in Nebraska. Eighteen hundred volunteers serving as affiliated fund leaders for these various community-based efforts. It has become a very sizeable movement in terms of the number of people and the number of moving parts.


John: Jeff, if people want to follow up on this discussion how could they connect with you?


Jeff: You can just Google Nebraska Community Foundation and that will take you to our homepage. I am certainly happy to have offline conversations with those of you that are interested in following up on some of this, whether it be on how to use the transfer of wealth or how we have tried to figure out this varied decentralized system. It is a work in progress. The fun is that every day we are building something and helping to be a partner in creating an opportunity or solving a problem or whatever the case might be. It feels good to have the opportunity to wake up to this every morning.


Peter: Also, you call them volunteers, but what you are really doing is creating citizens. You are co-producing something because most volunteers are for someone else’s stake. It’s a co-production and co-creation in the way you talk about it. It’s what citizenship is about. So, thank you for that. We are pretty near the end oof our time today. Any final words that you have?


John: It makes me think over and over again that when you think about money as wealth what we are learning here is that if you are really concerned about community, it isn’t about grants: Money is the bait, not the fish. What’s going on here is a wonderful recognition that always keeping the relational aspect of community at the forefront is critical. How do we use money in such a way that it is a precipitant of wisdom and more intentional community life? We all know that there are places, often low-income places, that have become grant economies. There, in the philanthropy and government world, you can lead people to think you can’t do anything without a grant. So, grants go two ways. They can either be wonderfully concipient or they can be disabling in the long run. What we are hearing here is the way to think about wealth as a real community builder. It’s a wonderful thing that you have done, Jeff.


Jeff: Like I said, it’s hundreds and hundreds of people focusing on this and it’s an honor to be a part of it. So, thank you, John. John has been a wonderful inspiration and an additional content provider for us here in Nebraska for the last couple of years. I just want to thank you for doing all that.


John: It’s great to learn from you.







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The Abundant Communities Initiative

Howard Lawrence describes how he has drawn inspiration from The Abundant Community for Community League: a group designed to “initiate a momentum of household connections.” He explains who “Block Connectors” are, and how these citizens create boundaries, have conversations, and pull people with similar interests together, all in the same neighborhood.

For ten years following the 2010 publication of their book The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods, John and Peter hosted conversations with neighborhood activists on their community-building work.  All their ideas are still at work and continue to be influential for anyone engaged in creating the future in the present. The transcript here has been edited for length and clarity.


The Abundant Community Initiative:

Conversation with Howard Lawrence


October 22, 2013




Peter Block:  Howard, thank you so much for being our guest. This is the first initiative I’ve seen that actually uses the words Abundant Community. Could you give us a little background and talk about the choice of that language and how that fits into the context of the city?


Howard Lawrence: Thank you. John and Peter, it is just awesome to be with you. Our colleagues here in Edmonton are very excited about how we have come to this place piloting the Abundant Community Initiative in our city.  I think it goes a long way back to Building Communities from the Inside Out. John and Jody’s book has been helpful in Edmonton to so many of our neighborhoods and I think many of us have tracked Asset Based Community Development through the years.  The Careless Society was, of course, the shake-up book for many of us and we have appreciated it so much. Then Peter your book Community: The Structure of Belonging is one many of us followed. Then out of somewhere came your book The Abundant Community, which again in its simplicity was just so profound.


The first half of the book just resonated with what was on many of our hearts and then in the later chapters of that book you begin to outline how we might be able to make this practical. For me, in an already great neighborhood and in a city that has been divided up into really manageable and human scale neighborhoods through a Community League System as it is called, it just seemed like this would fit us perfectly. So the question became, how then do we take what was in the book, The Abundant Community, and experiment with it and apply some practices of our own to fit it for our own city and our own neighborhoods, beginning with the neighborhood that I lived in?


Peter: Describe the practices a little bit so people get a sense of what you are doing.


Howard: I think the first practice, which was basically handed to us by the city, was to define our boundaries. The city has for a century now divided the city up into what we call Community Leagues and these were really a grassroots form of government in particular neighborhoods with a long history and also a variety of other things, from sports to caring for the social well-being of individuals. So, it’s already divided. There’s already an elected government in each place and they pay attention to the concerns of the neighborhood. The neighborhood, my neighborhood in particular, and this wouldn’t be too unusual, is a neighborhood of a thousand homes with quite a natural boundary around it. You can see the map of my neighborhood, in fact, on The Abundant Community’s website. So that’s the first practice defining the neighborhood, which was again a gift for us.


John McKnight:  May I ask if the neighborhoods that you have now begun to work with are defined the same as the Community League Foundation?


Howard: They are. Some are very well defined and they certainly have an active Community League.


John: So, you already had that structure in place, where the neighborhood was defined by this structure, it had been there for a long time, and it had some leadership.


Peter: What do you say is the goal or the purpose of your initiative?


Howard: It is to initiate a momentum of household connections within each block and the neighborhood. Shape the neighborhood life according to the residents’ vision of their neighborhood, to facilitate relationships through the formation of associations within the neighborhood, to connect the gifts, skills, and abilities of residents to neighbors and the neighborhood, and finally to connect block neighbors together through relationships with a block connecter. Those are the things we lay out.


John: That’s a wonderful statement if somebody wanted to find that definition of structure. Is it written someplace?


Howard: It’s on the article that we have called “Gluing A Place Together One Neighborhood at a Time”; in that article you can see we lay out those five points.


John: What is the process you have gone through?


Howard: We have naturally defined boundaries, which has been very helpful in local form of government. And then that local form of government works together and will work together with me to actually hire, with community funds –– which could be regional funds or the neighborhood funds –– to hire a Connecter Coordinator. That is a pretty big job, the Connecter Coordinator, which I will basically lay out now.


The history in Asset Based Community Development is that Roy Thompson was hired and we riffed on his experience here, but in any event the Connector Coordinator enlists, identifies, and organizes the Block Connecters. So, somebody on every block –– every block is approximately 20 homes –– identifies, enlists, and organizes that Block Connecter and then that Block Connecter’s job is facilitated and encouraged by the interview process. The Block Connecter would interview the 20 homes and then finally the information from that interview is collated or grouped together in data on behalf of the neighborhood and the Community League.


Peter: What has been the response of people to this idea? Do some of these neighborhoods think that they are already connected?


Howard:  I will take it down to the block level and give you an example. A couple of weeks ago I identified a Block Connecter –– and it is amazing how keen they are –– and this person said to me that her block was already well connected. So, I said that is fantastic; please tell me about that. She told me that the block is connected because they wave at each other. They might not know everybody’s name, but they certainly have positive effect in the neighborhood and on the block. So, I asked whether they knew each others’ email addresses, each others’ interests, each others’ vision for the neighborhood, and so forth.  I could see that she’s thinking, We need to do this on our block to get that additional information, even the email addresses. For example I know many places do this where one person on the block has all the emails so that if a garage door is left open they can message and make sure that the garage door is looked after. So, I would say it has been a positive response, overwhelming.


John: You are starting out by hiring someone to find Block Connecters. What kind of a person do you think tends to have that kind of ability? And when you are looking for a Block Connecter, is there any way of defining the kinds of people who tend to be responding or good at that? What do you look for?


Howard: Because of the early days of the pilot, I’m the first official Connecter Coordinator for our neighborhood; in my work here over the years, this gave me quite a bit of confidence to move ahead with this. I worked with other individuals who were able to excel at connecting people. They had a passion for their neighborhood. Karen Wilkin of the Laurier neighborhood has just been fantastic at pulling people together. Also Stu Carson in the Lendrum neighborhood. I think it is similar to what you lay out in your book: Somebody who cares about engagement in the neighborhood and who is engaged in the neighborhood, a positive person. Certainly, a person who is quite daring relationally and willing to initiate conversations with strangers. That would be the profile, I think.


John: You have also mentioned that you may find somebody who has a lot of those attributes, but the courage to begin to go knocking on the doors on a block is often a step most people haven’t taken. Have you learned something about how to get people to begin to take that kind of adventure?


Howard: One way is how I did some of that initially. As you know Edmonton is quite a snowy city in the wintertime. People are shoveling their walks and the block might be lined with individuals who have got their snow shovels out working. As a Connecter Coordinator looking for a Block Connecter, I can go talk to those people who are only too happy to take a moment to chat with me. I ask who a real connecter person is, a go-to person on your block, and inevitably they might tell me who that person is and I can follow that up. That would be one strategy. I think that I’ve learned to identify the kind of house that might have a Block Connecter behind it, and I have had good success in that.


John: Then if you are trying to get a Block Connecter, somebody from the block that you found to go do these interviews, what do you do to get them over the threshold? To get them over the fear that a lot of people have of doing that?


Howard: First, I do an interview with them and describe it as an experiment in interviewing, so that they get to actually participate. They can also ask me questions as we go along. What happens and how does this work? Another thing that has been very important for many is for me to actually do the first number of interviews with them. I would actually go along with them to their block and do a couple of interviews.


John: I know that if people are looking at the screen, they can see what you call a “Neighbour Conversation Guide.” We also have people joining us who are not looking at the screen. Could you describe what questions you are asking in the interviews? I know that you have a couple of parts and different kinds of questions. What are you asking them?


Howard:  I will describe how I instruct and invite the Block Connecters to use this guide.


One thing about it is that it is quite simple. So, I say you can read this and that gives them a level of comfort; they can basically knock on the door and say, Hi, my name is John McKnight, I live just down the street just two doors down and I’ve seen you a number of times.  And I’ll say, I’m here on the behalf of the Community League just to find out what you’re interested in. That immediately brings a great level of comfort for people. I think we have this high expectation of privacy, but when we get there, people are inviting you in. One time I was doing an interview and the person said, I would love to do this, but I’m cooking supper right now. So, I said, You keep cooking supper, and I will sit at your table and do the interview; she thought that was a great idea. So, people welcome you into their homes. There are lots of examples where people have had coffee, a glass of wine, and some of these interviews can take quite a while.


In the average scenario, though, the Block Connecter would just read the Guide and say that the purpose of these conversations is to make our blocks and our neighborhoods even better places to live. We are doing this by finding out and sharing amongst us each household’s vision for our neighborhood, the activities and interests which occupy us, and the gifts, abilities, and experiences we possess. And we say, Do you understand that? And they say, Yeah, that sounds good. Then we say, reading again, this form is intended to be a helpful guide to a brief conversation, which will hopefully be a part of an enduring conversation and connection.


And then we carry on and say, I’m here on the block so we will keep this conversation going and again we read from the Guide. This is not a confidential conversation or document. Our Community League’s hope is that the information from this conversation will be shared and used to build the fabric of our neighborhood through local groups and connections. And then we go on with the interview.


Peter: You know, it strikes me that you legitimize the role in the fact that you are there by saying, I’m here on behalf of the Community League, which means you are not a nosy neighbor. Some of the things I’ve been involved in, there is always the question of what you are doing there.


Howard: Yes, that’s very important, Peter, and I know that our Block Connecters find a lot of comfort in the fact that this is legitimized on a number of levels.


John: What would you do if you didn’t have a Community League, but you had this idea that you wanted to begin to implement? What would you do in the case of a lot of neighborhoods where people are listening, if you couldn’t say you were from the Community League?


Howard:  I have spoken to a lot of different cities and neighborhoods where their neighborhoods don’t have a formal structure. I think it is a must that some kind of identifiable group be initiated. I just don’t know how you can move forward without that. If there was a resident association that could be morphed into something like this, or just a group of neighbors that could do the groundwork to say that we want to represent the neighborhood or we would like some representation in the neighborhood. I do think at this point that is important.


And the first question that we ask in Part One of the interview is the vision for the neighborhood. So, we ask, What do you value in a neighborhood? We say of all the places that you have traveled in the world or of all the neighborhoods that you have seen, what do you really love about neighborhoods? And they will say, We love safety and we love friendliness and we love walkability. They will give us a number of answers to that.


Then we ask a very specific question: What do you think the ideal Highlands neighborhood would look like? And they give us ideas around what they think the ideal neighborhood would look like. And I guess from an Asset Based Community Development approach, this is a last question often, but we put it up front as a way of people imagining the future together.


Now because we ask those questions, where does the answer to those questions go if we don’t have some kind of little group of leaders that are legitimized in the neighborhood?


Peter: Do you put all this together as a kind of summary report? What is being produced by this process?


Howard: We have put together a simple database. That data on the vision for the neighborhood goes to the Community League, and the Community League would then see that having an arts center would be nice, or having a steam room at the East Glen swimming pool. One person said more affordable housing, slower traffic on 112th, a senior’s condo in the neighborhood. Those are just some of the raw data from the interviews. This is collated and goes to the Community League leadership.


Then there are other questions that we put together that have different ends and those next questions are really pretty exciting. So again, to understand the extension that The Abundant Community book helped us to see was that rather than just settling with the associations that are within the neighborhoods presently, we actually had a thrust to identify and create more associational life. So, we asked the question, What activities or groups that you participate in or would like to participate in would you join in with neighbors? Then we would give a list of examples that they might choose. For instance, in my neighborhood, dog walking. So many people already walk their dogs, but they would like to walk their dogs together and have dog socialization groups. There was no way to put all the dog walkers together, but now because many people say the activity that I would like to do is dog walking, we can print a report that gives us all the dog walkers.


Then we can ask a question –– and John we owe this to you –– about other topics or activities that people are familiar enough with to perhaps lead in or teach to a group of neighbors. So, say Andrea has said, Yes, I am both a dog person and I would love to bring dog walkers together to lead them in walks. She now has the emails or the phone numbers of all those individuals. She can invite them to a couple of dog walking events per week that she will be on and lead.


Then we also ask more questions around interests.


Peter: Do the neighbors see the summary report of the data?


Howard: They can see some of it. The vision is given to the Community League leadership and that could be used as the leadership would like. They will post that ideally; they will see what’s posted and what the dreams are of the neighborhood. So once the dog walking group or the hockey team has been formed by people who said they want to play hockey or walk the dog, then that can go into our website or onto our little handout newsletter that we have in our neighborhood so that other people can join, but they are joining something that is ongoing.


John: Does the local Block Connecter initiate directly some connections based on the information gathered from the interviews?


Howard: We call that person an interviewer, but really they are a connecter and so we have seen examples of people just pulling people together. And when they hear the needs come out, they are not asking about needs, but they are identifying needs, they identify interests, and they pull people together. The neighbor would say to the Block Connecter, I would love it if we did a block party. So, throughout the interview process, the Connector feels like the neighbors are really seeing them as the leader of the block, the point person. So, they act as the point person for that block because, in fact, that is what they are.


On the interview form there is a section where we ask about gifts, abilities, and experiences to share. In the interview process, people are asked, What’s your gift or ability or an experience you might share for the benefit of neighbors? That’s been lovely, too. And that again is a list that goes to the Community League executive; for example, we will have people who are willing to shovel snow. We have people who are willing to help seniors with their pensions. We have people who are willing to babysit, and they get on a list of babysitters. So, they offer their gift to the neighborhood and that again goes to the Community League to post. Then, if a person needs a babysitter, they can phone an appointed individual who can say, Yes I have some babysitters; tell ,e who you are, where you live, and I will have that babysitter be in touch with you.


John: Can people do it on the Internet as well as calling?


Howard: We haven’t done that. That can probably be done through email; we are working on that. And this is another conversation, but a bit of a social media platform just for neighbors is really exciting, but that is another conversation for sure. Yes, it will be done in a variety of methods and the Internet will be one of them.


Peter:  Have there been disappointments or frustrations that you felt inventing and guiding this process?


Howard: I think certainly some of the Block Connecters struggle, so I think identifying Block Connecters needs to be done very carefully and prudently. But at the same time, I just as I reviewed The Abundant Community again in preparation for this call, you said something that I can read it to you: This is an organic thing. This is something that, as you mentioned it in Community: The Structure of Belonging, is a slow process. It’s real. People are people. They are not paid so they move at their own pace and I’m very conscious of that in not goading the Block Connecters, but I always offer to go with them.


The number one phrase that I think I’m probably known for with the Block Connecters is, Can I go and meet some of your neighbors with you? Let me do that with you. So, to answer your question, Peter, the pace of connections being made might be something that I had expectations that they would get them done in a certain amount of time and in a quicker fashion.


Peter: That is a wonderful way of thinking about it. To be supportive and be with them and not to hold them accountable and not to have that kind of mindset. This is almost a kind of ministry for you, isn’t it? Are you connected with a church or a ministry in that neighborhood or area?


Howard: No, I’ve consulted with churches and I’m participant with consulting groups for churches where I would communicate with them around neighborhoods and the dynamics that would take place in neighborhoods. Many churches are asking how to serve neighborhoods and it has been a real struggle to find a good answer for that in this context. So, I help them with that.


John: Could you give us some background that led you to this?


Howard:  Certainly, as a follower of Christ, as a Christian person, the great commandment is to love God and love your neighbor. For a while I have put a slash behind love your neighbor and said neighborhood. So how do we effectually love our neighborhoods? When I saw in The Abundant Community that we are valuing and recognizing and esteeming and understanding peoples’ giftedness –– which is of course to say that people are gifted –– then forming associations and liberating their gifts into groups is fantastic as well. Then extending your welcome to the margins and extending hospitality. Those things are just fantastic. They are rooted in things that are very similar to my faith orientation.


Maggie Rogers: We have a couple of questions on the chat. One question is what values or virtues are treasured most? Not needs, but qualities of being in human interactions.


Howard: That is a hard one to start with. Let me try. I think friendship, which has been a surprise for me in some respects because in the competent community and the qualities of a competent community, which we reviewed and appreciated in The Abundant Community, the initiative really highlighted friendship. Accepting people for who they are with their weaknesses and their strengths. Just being known for who you are is a quality of friendship, the kind of friendship that is leisurely around the neighborhood. I think that many people have really valued that. So, the virtue of being friendly and being transparent, which the neighborhood really helps to encourage, is a most treasured one.


Peter: Very nice. Do you have another one, Maggie?


Maggie: Here’s one. Outside of the Community League and official boundaries, have you been successful with multiple dwellings? For example, apartments or condo neighborhoods.


Howard: One of the next neighborhoods we are moving into has a higher density and of course there will be walk-ups there and apartment towers. In my own neighborhood, there are four-story walk-ups, and we also have a seniors’ home, which is three floors with about 12 residents on each floor. We have spoken with the manager who just had a meeting with their board to see if they would ok this. They have said yes and so we are planning to go in and find a senior who is a Floor Connecter –– it won’t be a Block Connecter –– and that senior will do the connecting and do the interviews on that floor.  There are some walk-ups in my neighborhood. Meeting with the management of the four-story walk-up and having them onsite up to this point they have been fine, at least, in getting permission to go in. I think it will be challenging, but I know of another organization that helps to build relationships, social capital in apartment life, and so I believe that we can do that as well.


Peter: I think the way you thought through what kind of institutional support is very special about what you are doing in whatever neighborhood you moved to. For example, your way of asking the League or the manager about who is in this neighborhood that we can go to and, in a sense, feel invited, rather than going in as a stranger and to get people connected or find a Block Connecter. It is quite a structure to have a connecter or coordinator and I guess as you expand across the city you will add more people; that must be a key function. Do they bring together the Block Connecters? How does that work?


Howard: They really look after their Block Connecters. In our neighborhood, we have some lovely croissants at 10 o’clock on a Saturday morning, and we invite the Connecters to come and tell their stories. We have learned from your book and from other sources that the Block Connecters have a whole skill set that we are liberating and so that when we get together, we just tell stories that are wonderful. To inspire stories, we may pick a topic like knocking on the door or how to answer or how to draw people’s gifts out, which is tricky stuff. How to draw people’s interests out? Through the course of a conversation people will realize they have more gifts and interests than they did than when they first began. So, we meet together to eat croissants and share stories.


John: You have dealt with the city. Could you tell us a little about how you connected with the city? What their response has been? What kind of support, if any, they have provided? What their role is?


Howard:  I have to tip my hat to the city. They have been very supportive and understanding and certainly they have a background in your work, John. They know that there is a special kind of relationship between the neighborhood and the city bureaucracy, but they also recognize that the timing of this is right in today’s culture and the culture of neighborhoods. One individual, Harry Oswin, is a very well respected director in the city and he had, as he said to me, some history in door-to-door work many years ago in Toronto. He saw the value in just connecting with neighbors. So, he is the person who saw the potential in this, and it’s been wonderful to champion this in the neighborhood; it’s been lovely to work with him.


I think there have been other materials out there that are wonderful. A conference done by Tamarack where they brought people together and asked the questions that seemed to be looming: Why are our neighborhoods back on the agenda? Why is asset-based thinking so critical? How do we decentralize city services? Can neighborhoods be the center of community life? Can neighborhoods be places of belonging? Can neighborhoods be places of caring? Then, can we formalize the role of neighborhoods and deliver services there? Can we formalize the role of social capital and how to build it? Finally, there are local and state policies that advance the neighborhood agenda.


Our city leadership has been sharp to see the possibilities in this and go slow, hence a pilot and then the second phase of a pilot. So, they have been very supportive and understanding. I will be on a contract with them; I won’t be a part of their staff as I’m not a staff person. I’m kind of a bridge between the neighborhood or the Connecter, the Community League, and the city leadership.


Maggie: We have a couple of calls coming in.


Anna (caller): I’m from Okotoks, Alberta. I was wondering if you could tell me how long the whole process was for you, from the moment you started working on it till you got something going in your neighborhood?


Howard: Thank you, Anna, and I’ve been in touch with Okotoks. Well, certainly reading the book, pondering it, and thinking how it might unfold in our neighborhood took a great deal of time. I would say months of pondering, but once the city decided to run a pilot –– it was probably November ––we thought that this would give us time to prepare because the spring is the time when people are inclined to be neighborly because the snow is melting, the birds are singing, the sun is coming up.


We really prepared for that, and we would work with the seasons. We did our groundwork with the Community League during January and February. We understood what the role of the Connecter Coordinator would be and that person was going to be me, and so I was already in the game. Then we began in those late winter months to recruit the Block Connecters.


So, it’s been a process. One of the things that we would have done at the front is that I would have had data collection more streamlined at the beginning, so that we could have more excitement around the groups that were being formed earlier. It’s exciting to be interviewed and to feel like your voice is being heard and the possibilities of groups being formed, but there is nothing like actually forming groups to create a buzz and excitement in the neighborhood. I think we could have gone more quickly if we had had our database in place earlier.


I think what this is doing, Anna, is it launches us with a new way of being in the neighborhood. It’s a new framework for interaction. So, people would ask the question, When is my interview coming? I had a note from a lady that I will read to you: “I really like the idea of this project. It certainly promotes the feeling of community. I hope that 64th Street can be done.” She doesn’t have a Block Connecter on her street yet. She goes on, “Personally I wish we had a place where locals could drop in for coffee, say one morning a week or every other week. Also, a knitter’s group would be good. I drive to Park Allen every week, but a local group would be good.” I still have to find a Block Connecter for that block; there are a few blocks that don’t have one yet and we are at nine months in, but once that Block Connecter is found we will do this work and they are not going to be sensitive to the fact that this was a one-year pilot. They are going to continue on. I continue on as a Block Connecter and a Connecter Coordinator.


I think it is a real change of framework that will linger for a long time. And certainly, groups coming together –– anytime you put a group of residents together, whether it is the dog walking group or the knitter’s group, the model train group, you can’t stop those –– they just keep going and going and going.


Maggie: We have another caller.


Caller: Hello, this is Incourage Community Foundation in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Could you explain more about the Community League structure? What it looks like? How it got started? How is it connected with the other parts of the area?


Howard:  I can give a try at that. I know that our community structure is about a hundred years old, and it was a city councilor who came from the New England states  to Edmonton and had some sense of that. He instituted the beginning of the Community League; it was about caring for people who were struggling in those early days at the turn of the century and making sure nobody was forgotten in terms of food and a house over their head.


It began that way. It was more formalized over time through our City Council; they saw this as a good thing and formalized the role. In the 60’s it took on the role of, oftentimes, sports and recreation. Our sports and recreation in the city was very localized to neighborhoods. I think the kids had leather jackets with the name of their neighborhood on them and their hockey team and baseball team. Then through the 80’s and into the 90’s those sports and activities were regionalized. Community halls, which many Community Leagues built at the time, started hosting dances and whatnot and serving the neighborhood proper. Then over time that function regionalized to the wedding halls and the sports are regionalized.


So, the Community League has had to readjust in each era for the future. Now they are formalized. They receive funding through a variety of sources, from provincial and municipal sources, for the work that they do in the neighborhoods and that has changed and varied over time. They continue to exist in various levels of strengths in every neighborhood. They usually have a little newsletter. The city supplies a person from community service to coach and help each Community League so they do that in a regional way. The city really values the Community Leagues and it’s demonstrated through funding and these individuals who go and coach alongside the Community League structure.


John: Is there an electoral process? How is the leadership chosen?


Howard: Saying it’s an electoral process might be a bit of an overstatement, but it is certainly is that. People run for president, secretary, and vice-president so it has a legitimate board structure. They are formally constituted. There are bylaws for this small form of government. There is a bit of an election. It is a wonderful process. In the election last year for my neighborhood there were probably 50 people who came out; we elected a person who was the secretary and became the president. My son became the Civic Affairs person; he is a 20-year-old so this is his first crack at an office in government.


They meet together; a group of probably five or six are chosen, they have a budget, and they work on everything from making sure that the ice rink is flooded to initiating funding through the city for a new playground in the neighborhood. They take on issues, civic affairs issues, like traffic concerns that might be present in the neighborhood; they can be the voice to the neighborhood and the voice of the neighborhood to the city. It’s community consultation processes and oftentimes the city will look to the Community League for this. It’s pretty cool.


John: That’s wonderful.


Peter: We’ve got just a couple of minutes left. The Edmonton initiative is an amazing story. What I’m getting from this is that with the structures and the job titles you have created, you have organized this in a quite wonderful and useful way to legitimize it and to take some of the risks out of neighbors going to neighbors without an organizational context.


This is a wonderful description of what you are creating in the world. Anything else you would like to share with us, Howard?


Howard: Thank you. I would dare say that we just ever so slightly modified and extended what is already in The Abundant Community. While many people won’t know what’s in the book, The Abundant Community, the practices here embody or express what’s in the first chapters of that book. This movement from a consumer-centric way of being in the world, or from a systems way, to a citizen way or a community way is wonderful to see.


So, we are starting in the back of the book and moving our way to the front. I think that it is transformational. Our neighborhood is already being transformed. I see the brightness in people’s eyes when they hear this. When I talk about this with individuals, they get it. They would say, This is so simple, why have we not being doing this? So, thank you gentlemen for all the hard work to get us to that concise and simple book, The Abundant Community.