
Tag Archives: Restorative Justice

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Restorative Practices for Turbulent Times

What can happen when we move justice out of the law system and into neighborhoods and communities? Restorative practices are being put into action beyond justice systems into schools and institutions, changing the conversation from fault and punishment to looking at who has been harmed, how they were harmed and whose obligation it is to repair that harm. In this conversation, community and organizational psychologist Thom Allena shares insight and experiences from his work with restorative justice. Listen:


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Integrative Law: A Legal System that Builds Relationships

Atty Kim Wright

Kim Wright talks with Peter Block , John McKnight and guest caller Edgar Cahn about being an Integrative Lawyer and her practice of Restorative Justice: an alternative way of dealing with crimes and taking a holistic approach that factors in emotions of both parties. She speaks about how Restorative Justice is not well received by many who practice law, and touches on how it started with Nelson Mandela. Kim also explains Therapeutic Jurisprudence: a way to create solutions rather than unhelpful punishments, and discusses the related practice of Unitive Justice.