The Christian narrative of abundance and hope is a radical alternative to the scarcity narrative and is central in Walter Brueggemann’s new book A Gospel of Hope. What changes can be made to transcend the debt-based, scarcity model and live into the narrative of abundance?

In this podcast economist Mark Anielski and Brueggemann discuss and share ideas on how to live into an economy of abundance at a time when the scarcity model is the dominant narrative. Listen:

In this podcast:

  • How did we lose the sense of abundance? (7:45-8:45)
  • Undoing the greed narrative (12:30-13:30)
  • Affluence causes amnesia (15:55-16:55)
  • Finding a voice (29:15-31:36)
  • Notice our neighbors (32:50-33:45)

Quotes from Walter Brueggemann:

“The big work of people who share Christian faith is to move our life and our imagination out of the dominant narrative and into the Gospel narrative.”
“We have to recognize is that the dominant culture is a big silencer, it does not care whether people suffer, as long as they suffer silently. And the Bible is filled with people who break the silence.”

Photo by Rose Erkul on Unsplash